विकसित करना
विकसित करना
= EVOLVEउदाहरण : हमने विकासवाद का एक नया सिद्धांत विकसित किया है।Usage : We have developed a new theory of evolution
विकसित करना
= FORGEउदाहरण : उन्हें ऐसे एक-दो विभागों को चुनना चाहिए जिनमें उन्हें मौलिक विशेषज्ञता हासिल हो और उन्हें उत्कृष्टता के केंद्रों के रूप में विकसित करना चाहिए।Usage : after the section 377 of ipc was illegalized, indian organizations are now forging ahead to provide inclusive policies to lgbtq employees.
विकसित करना
= CULTIVATEUsage : Farmers cultivate their land for better crops.
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= DEVELOPउदाहरण : उनकी कंपनी ने एक नया निर्माण सामग्री विकसित किया जो हर तरह के मौसम को सहन करता है।Usage : her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather.
विकसित करना
= NURTUREUsage : They must identify one or two departments, in which they have core competence, and nurture them into centres of excellence.
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= RAISEUsage : The price of gold may raise rapidly during the economic crisis.
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= BUILDUsage : ssl is not supported in this build of evolution
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= NOURISHUsage : we sustained ourselves on bread and water
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= WORK UPUsage : we worked up an as of an appetite
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= GET UPUsage : i get up at 7 a.m. every day
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= FORMUsage : the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached
विकसित करना
= SPRINGUsage : the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring